Study Of The Rupture Process Of The 2015 Mw7.8 Izu-Bonin Earthquake And Its Implication To Deep-Focus Earthquake Genesis.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Pei-Ru Jian, National Taiwan University, Geosciences, Taipei, Taiwan, Shu-Huei Hung, NTU National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan and Lingsen Meng, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
On May 30, 2015, a major Mw7.8 great deep earthquake occurred at the base of the mantle transition zone (MTZ), approximately 680 km deep within the Pacific Plate which subducts westward under the Philippine Sea Plate along the Izu-Bonin trench. A global P wave tomographic image indicates that a tabular high-velocity structure delineated by ~1% faster than the ambient mantle plunges nearly vertical to a depth at most 600 km and afterword flattens and stagnates within the MTZ. Almost all the deep earthquakes in this region are clustered inside this fast anomaly corresponding to the cold core of the subducting slab. Those occurring at depth between 400~500 km close to the hinge of the bending slab show down-dip compressional focal mechanisms and reflect episodic release of compressive strain accumulated in the slab. The 2015 deep event, however, separated from the others, occurred uniquely near the base of the lithosphere with a down-dip extension mechanism, consistent with the notion that the outer portion of the folded slab experiences extensional bending stress. Here we perform a 3D MUSIC back-projection (BP) rupture imaging for this isolated deep event using P and pP waveforms individually from the European, North American and Australian array data. By integrating P- and pP- BP images in frequencies of 0.1-1 Hz obtained from three array observations with different azimuth, we first ascertain the most possible fault plan is the SW-dipping subhorizontal one. Then, from back-projecting higher frequency waveforms at 1-1.5 Hz onto the obtained fault plane, we find the rupture initially propagates slowly along the strike (SW-direction), and makes a turn to the NNW-direction at ~12s after the onset of rupture. The MUSIC psudospectrum over totally 20s rupture duration reveals that most seismic energy radiation takes place at the initial 8s of the first rupture along the strike, 10-15 km long region, while the along-updip second rupture lasting for 6-10s has a rupture length of 15-20 km and weaker radiated energy. The overall rupture speed is about 1.5-2 km/s. As it rarely struck the area close to the outer periphery of the slab under the condition of relatively high-temperature and downdip extension, thermally-induced shear instability may play an important role in the genesis of this deep-focus earthquake.