High angular resolution at LBT

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 15:25
2009 (Moscone West)
Albert Conrad1, Carmelo Arcidiacono2, Mario Bertero3, Patrizia Boccacci3, Ashley Gerard Davies4, Denis Defrere5, Katherine de Kleer6, Imke De Pater6, Philip Hinz5, Karl-Heinz Hofmann7, Andrea La Camera3, Jarron Leisenring5, Martin Kürster8, Julie A Rathbun9, Dieter Schertl7, Andy Skemer5, Michael Skrutskie10, John R Spencer11, Christian Veillet1, Gerd Weigelt7, Charles E Woodward12 and The LBT Io-nians, (1)University of Arizona, LBTO, Tucson, AZ, United States, (2)INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico, Bologna, Italy, (3)DIBRIS, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, (4)Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (5)University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, (6)University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, (7)Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany, (8)Max Planck Institute for Astronomy,, Heidelberg, Germany, (9)Planetary Science Institute Tucson, Tucson, AZ, United States, (10)University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, (11)Southwest Research Institute Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (12)Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics, Minneapolis, MN, United States
High angular resolution from ground-based observatories stands as a key technology for advancing planetary science. In the window between the angular resolution achievable with 8-10 meter class telescopes, and the 23-to-40 meter giants of the future, LBT provides a glimpse of what the next generation of instruments providing higher angular resolution will provide. We present first ever resolved images of an Io eruption site taken from the ground, images of Io's Loki Patera taken with Fizeau imaging at the 22.8 meter LBT [Conrad, et al., AJ, 2015]. We will also present preliminary analysis of two data sets acquired during the 2015 opposition: L-band fringes at Kurdalagon and an occultation of Loki and Pele by Europa (see figure). The light curves from this occultation will yield an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution along the path of ingress and egress. We will conclude by providing an overview of the overall benefit of recent and future advances in angular resolution for planetary science.