The Multi-Sectorial Impact Of Arctic Sea Ice Loss by Jeremy Wilkinson (on behalf of the ICE-ARC Team)

Wednesday, 16 December 2015: 11:05
2012 (Moscone West)
Jeremy Wilkinson, NERC British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, CB3, United Kingdom
One of the most visible aspects of climate change is the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice; both sea ice extent and thickness. The striking loss of sea-ice in recent summers reflects profound changes in the Arctic system. However these climate driven changes in sea ice are not the only pressures on the region as the increase in the demand for natural resources are providing opportunities for investment, with estimates of $100bn or more coming in to the Arctic region over the next decade. Sea ice loss is one of the drivers behind this investment. However the environmental, socio-economic, and geopolitical consequences associated with sea ice loss bring opportunities and possibilities, but also far-reaching change amidst the potential conflicts and risks for human activities right across the Arctic and the globe. To better understand the impact of sea ice loss a multi-sectorial approach is needed. This innovative multi-sector approach to sea ice loss has gained traction over recent years as it transcends disciplinary boundaries, advances knowledge of Arctic change within a regional and global context, has a sharp eye to policy-relevance, and builds strong partnerships with northern communities. Ice Climate and Economics: Arctic Research on Change (ICE-ARC) is one of these programmes. ICE-ARC involves 23 institutes from 11 European Union and Russia. We present initial results from this exciting, multi-sectorial research programme.