Nonlinear coupling between waves and flows in the solar wind sources

Tuesday, 2 September 2014: 3:45 PM
Regency Ballroom (Hyatt Regency)
Igor S. Veselovsky, Space Research Institute (IKI) RAS, Moscow, Russia; Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Plasma wave energy in the solar wind sources is comparable or even greater than other shapes of the free energy (magnetic, thermal, gravity, radiation) here. The weakly nonlinear formalism is presented for the description of the interaction between the waves and flows in the solar corona. Dimensionless scaling approach is developed with the aim of the classification of physically similar and different types of the energy, momentum and mass transports of the plasma and fields in the solar atmosphere beneath and above the turbopause.  Dissipative MHD and plasma kinetic theory examples are considered for the construction of the independent and orthogonal parametric representation in the generalized space of independent physical variables. The results show that one should clearly distinguish between mass and energy sources and their transport trajectories when considering local and non-local problems of the corona heating and solar wind generation. Both problems are unsolved and tightly related in this sense. The general theory principles are understood, but their quantitative side in practical applications is not completely known because of the scarce observational input information about the dimensionless Trieste number sets and other parameters characterizing the openness degree of structures under consideration (coronal holes, active regions, quiete Sun etc.). Geometry factors are very different in this multi parametric phase space and show no standard situations and evolution with many possible and competing mechanisms because of the large free energy reservoirs available for the generation of flows and waves.  We enumerate different regimes. Wind driven waves and wave driven flows are envisaged in the solar wind sources. Any universal scenario is problematic and could serve only as illustration of conceptual models with some initial and boundary conditions determining the solution.