Statistical study of Pc1 pearl structures observed at multi-point ground-based stations in Canada, Russia and Japan
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Regency Ballroom (Hyatt Regency)
Chae Woo Jun1, Kazuo Shiokawa1, Martin G Connors2, Ian Schofield2, I. Poddelsky3 and B. Shevtsov3, (1)Nagoya Univ, Aichi, Japan, (2)Athabasca University, Athabasca, AB, Canada, (3)Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Paratunka, Russia
We investigated Pc1 pulsations observed simultaneously at Athabasca (ATH, 54.7N, 246.7E, L=4.3) in Canada, Magadan (MGD, 60.1N, 150.7E, L=2.6) in Russia, and Moshiri (MOS, 44.4N, 142.3E, L=1.5) in Japan for a 6-year period from 2008 to 2013. Â We selected a total of 3027 Pc1 events at these three stations. We chose Pc1 pulsations events with high coherence of Pc1 waveforms (r > 0.5) simultaneously observed at longitudinally (ATH and MGD) and latitudinally (MGD and MOS) separated ground stations. Then, we verified the similarity of Pc1 pearl structures between two different stations, in order to investigate whether these pearl structures are caused by beating in the ionosphere or not. From these analyses, we investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of Pc1 pearl structures caused by beating processes in the ionosphere. We could also be able to distinguish which mechanism is the dominating process of Pc1 pearl structures in the ionosphere or in the magnetosphere. In addition, we will investigate the relationship between Pc1 pearl structures and the geomagnetospheric activities.