The Cluster Science Archive and its relevance for low frequency waves in space plasma research

Wednesday, 3 September 2014: 11:40 AM
Regency Ballroom (Hyatt Regency)
Arnaud Masson1, C Philippe Escoubet2, Harri E Laakso3, Pedro Osuna4 and Christophe Arviset4, (1)European Space Agency, Villanueva De La Can, Spain, (2)ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, (3)ESA/ESTEC/SRE-OS, Noordwijk, Netherlands, (4)European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Canada, Spain
The science data archive of the Cluster mission is a major contribution of the European Space Agency (ESA) to the International Living With a Star program. Known as the Cluster Active Archive (CAA), its availability since 2006 has resulted in a significant increase of the scientific return of this on-going mission. The Cluster science archive (CSA) has been developed in parallel to CAA over the last few years at the European Space Astronomy Center of ESA in Madrid, Spain. It is the long-term science archive of the Cluster mission developed and managed along with all the other ESA science missions data archives. CSA design and data services are based on the CAA interface and its user-friendly services. Publicly opened in November 2013, CSA was available in parallel to CAA during a transition period until CAA public closing in early summer 2014. It is the purpose of this presentation to first provide an overview of the various services offered by the Cluster Science Archive, including: data visualisation, data streaming, particle distribution plot visualisation, command line capabilities (e.g. data access via Matlab or IDL softwares)... Support data related to EU FP7 projects such as ECLAT and MAARBLE are also available on the CSA which includes rarely available datasets such wave propagation parameters. These data are clearly an outstanding data ressource that might be of great interest for low frequency waves researchers.