JETPAC and CAVE-ART: Jet, Tropopause, and Vortex Products for Dynamical and Climatological Studies

Thursday, July 30, 2015
Zachary D Lawrence1, Gloria L Manney1,2 and Michelle L Santee3, (1)New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, United States, (2)NorthWest Research Associates, Inc, Socorro, NM, United States, (3)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States
We introduce the JETPAC (Jet and Tropopause Products for Analysis and Characterization) and CAVE-ART (Characterization and Analysis of Vortex Evolution using Algorithms for Region Tracking) products, which are archives of data involving the jets, tropopauses, and polar vortices. JETPAC consists of characterizations of subtropical and polar jet regions, detailed tropopause information, and important variables such as potential vorticity (PV) and vertical temperature gradients cataloged at jet locations. CAVE-ART consists of characterizations of stratospheric polar vortex regions, and includes geometrical information such as centroids and areas, as well as dynamical variables such as vortex edge wind speeds and maximum PV gradients. The JETPAC and CAVE-ART datasets will be calculated from multiple sources, including operational analyses, reanalyses, and climate models, making them useful for intercomparisons, or detailed studies of dynamics and/or climate. Since tropical widening has direct consequences for variations in the locations of the jets and tropopauses, and the strength and size of polar vortices, the information provided by JETPAC and CAVE-ART is directly relevant for the analysis of trends and interactions of these atmospheric features with each other, and hence with changes in tropical width. We will present results related to these topics, including exploration of the relationships between subtropical jet locations and changes to the polar vortices. We are also applying the CAVE-ART methods used for the polar vortices to characterizing monsoon circulations and will examine how this analysis may reveal changes in dynamical characteristics of the Asian monsoon anticyclone (e.g., size, position, strength) related to the width of the tropics. Furthermore, we will give details about the JETPAC and CAVE-ART file formats and archives.