High-speed fluid dynamics in magnetic reconnection in a low-beta plasma
High-speed fluid dynamics in magnetic reconnection in a low-beta plasma
Wednesday, September 30, 2015: 11:30 AM
In the solar corona, in the magnetosphere, and in other astrophysical settings, magnetic reconnection often occurs in a low-beta plasma. Unfortunately, less is known about low-beta reconnection, partially due to lack of attention and partially due to numerical difficulties. In this contribution, we investigate the MHD structure of low-beta magnetic reconnection in unprecedented detail. Using a high-accuracy HLLD code, shocks, discontinuities, and their intersections are resolved and clarified. We argue that the new structures are outcome of high-speed fluid dynamics or compressible fluid dynamics, similarly as in aerospace engineering and in astrophysical jet physics. All these results are summarized in the 2015 edition of the "plasmoid diagram."References
- S. Zenitani and T. Miyoshi, Phys. Plasmas 18, 022105 (2011).
- S. Zenitani, Phys. Plasmas 22, 032114 (2015).