Generation of Diurnal Stresses From Inside Out the Earth Due to External Gravitational Loading on the Earth's Core as the Main Cause of the Earthquakes and Slow Slip Phenomena, Based on the "Pulsating Mantle Hypothesis"

Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Hassan Gholibeigian and Abdolazim Amirshahkarami, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Our goal is determination of loading (diurnal stress) versus time in crust. For this goal, we present a computational procedure to propose a cumulative strain energy time profile which can be used to predict the approximate location and time of the earthquake along a specific fault which we believe, is more accurate than many of the methods presently in use.

Based on the Pulsating Mantle Hypothesis (PMH), Due to unbalanced gravity attraction of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth, two phenomena appear: 1- Inner Core (deforms) Dislocation (ICD) and 2- Outer Core Bulge (OCB). ICD & OCB generate forced convection cells in the outer core and the mantle and loading from inside out the Earth and consequently the mantle is under diurnal pulsating by them [H. Gholibeigian, A. AmirShahkarami, AGU Fall Meeting 2012]. This diurnal stress generates strain in tectonic plates and crustal faults. Direction of resulted diurnal stresses determines direction of plates motion and fault rupture [H. Gholibeigian et. al, Earthquake-Soil Interaction Book, 2015]. A portion of these daily stresses generates strain hardening in faults as the cause of earthquakes and other portion generates slow slip phenomena. ICD&OCB have diurnal (Earth's spin), monthly (Moon orbit) and yearly (solar year) cycles. It means that there is permanent variable mass transfer inside the Earth. Consequently, the Earth's center of mass which follows the CD&OCB, moves continuously between North and South latitudes and in its yearly cycle, during six months moves in North hemispheric and six months in South hemispheric [Gholibeigian, H. AmirShahkarami, A. AGU Spring Meeting 2013]. Consequently, we can see at the edge of the zone of the largest SSEs every 4 years with durations of 6 months to a year in east of Ixtapa, Guerrero, Mexico, when the ICD&OCB move in North hemispheric.

Case study: The domain in case study is overriding North American plate and sub ducting Pacific plate boundary in Alaska zone inclusion Denali fault which is also 500 kilometers away from the plate boundary. In model, the velocity vectors in plate boundary shear zone is a narrow low viscosity layer that separates the plates are from the west to eastward [M. A. Jadamec, 2009, 2010, 2012].