Electric Currents and Twisted Plasma Jets in the Fermi Bubbles

Thursday, 26 May 2016
Igor S. Veselovsky, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; Space Research Institute (IKI) RAS, Moscow, Russia
Electric currents anticipated by analogy with the solar and heliospheric case. Quasisteady and transient effective plasma and current systems are both conceivable. Fermi Bubbles can be remnants of an eruption from the Milky Way Galaxy central region. If so, the dense plasma core inside the magnetic cloud can remain or not remain in analogy with known eruptive prominence – CME – flare energy releases on the Sun. The remarkable symmetry of twins against the axis indicates on simultaneous origin of Femi Bubbles. Simple illustrative model of the central explosion with shocks in the preexisting point dipole magnetic field with the thin equatorial current sheet presented. The physics of phenomena can involve gravity, electromagnetic, plasma and inertia forces as well as known and unknown nuclear interactions. Dimensionless scaling between them is not quite clear and needs more data. Independent of this dynamical uncertainty and richness, one may expect to find the twisted plasma jets inside both Fermi Bubbles just because of the overall geometry considerations. Left-handed or right- handed orientations will indicate the azimuthal asymmetry against the axis. Pinch or firehose instability details not known with regulating plasma beta and Alfven Mach parameters. The number of turns expected to be small, ~1 for the relativistic expansion. The bar in the galaxy considered as the projection of the thin plasma sheet on the plane of the sky. Spiral arms probably originate from the combination of rotation and radial expansion as in the solar wind case beyond the source surface and the Alfven surface. We conclude that the considered analogy with the solar corona is useful but limited.