Ionospheric Currents and Their Coupling to the Magnetosphere

Monday, 23 May 2016: 8:40 AM
Gang Lu1, Arthur D Richmond1 and Astrid I Maute2, (1)National Center for Atmospheric Research, High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States
Electric currents play an important role in the energy coupling between the magnetosphere and ionosphere. The interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere forces plasmas into a global circulation or convection in the magnetosphere and the magnetically connected ionosphere. The energy and momentum transfer from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere is associated with magnetic field-aligned currents. The field-aligned currents flow into and out of the high-latitude ionosphere, and are closed by horizontal current, primarily the Pedersen current. It is through such a process that the ionosphere is forced into the convective motion at high latitudes and by which the power generated by the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo is partly dissipated into the ionosphere-thermosphere system. At middle and low latitudes the ionospheric wind dynamo becomes the dominant generator of ionospheric currents, which operates when the atmospheric neutral winds, via ion-neutral collisions, cause ions and electrons to move at different velocities across Earth’s magnetic field. This paper presents a brief overview of the generation mechanisms of ionospheric currents at high latitudes as well as in the mid- and low-latitude regions. The utility of the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) is demonstrated in obtaining the large-scale ionospheric horizontal currents and the associated field-aligned current in the high-latitude polar regions based on various ground- and space-based observations. The distributions of ionospheric currents at mid and low latitudes are illustrated using the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamic General Circulation Model (TIEGCM). Examples of the global ionospheric current system under both geomagnetically quiet and active times will be shown.