Phase Relationship between ULF Waves and Drift-bounce Resonant Ions: A Statistical Study

Tuesday, 11 July 2017: 15:55
Furong Room (Cynn Hotel)
Jie Ren1, Qiugang Zong2, Xuzhi Zhou2 and Robert Rankin3, (1)Peking University, Beijing, China, (2)Peking University, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Beijing, China, (3)University of Alberta, Physics, Edmonton, AB, Canada
We explore the phase relationship between the poloidal mode ULF wave electric field oscillations and drift-bounce resonant oxygen ions at the magnetic equator. Using Cluster data from 2001 to 2004, we identify 55 fundamental-mode poloidal wave events, among which 42 show "negative slope" pitch angle dispersion signatures in the southern hemisphere, 11 show "positive slope" dispersion in the northern hemisphere, and 2 near-equatorial events are associated with in-phase field-aligned signatures. For each event, the off-equatorial resonant ions are traced along their bouncing trajectories to determine the last time they moved across the equator. The resulting time-series of the resonant oxygen ion fluxes at the equator are found to be statistically in anti-phase with the wave electric fields. This anti-phase relationship suggests that the fundamental-mode poloidal wave electric fields are generally characterized by electric field intensity peaking near the magnetic equator.