Dayside magnetopause pressure balance: Revisited Concepts Walter Gonzalez ( National Institute of Space Research, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil ) and Ramon Lopez (University of Texas at Arlington, United States ).       .

Thursday, 13 July 2017: 16:00
Furong Room (Cynn Hotel)
Walter Gonzalez, INPE National Institute for Space Research, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
It has been shown recently using satellite observations and computer simulations that

under conditions of low solar wind magnetosonic Mach number flow, the force on the

solar wind is not exerted at the magnetopause by the classical Chapman-Ferraro

currents, but must be exerted instead at the bow shock by currents that connect directly

to Region 1 currents.

During this talk we´ll present a short theoretical overview about changes in the pressure

balance configuration at the low latitude dayside magnetopause during such situations

of enhanced magnetosheath magnetic pressure as compared with the diminishing role

of the plasma pressure to set up the required overall pressure balance at the

magnetopause. Some considerations about related implications on magnetic

reconnection at the magnetopause will also be addressed.