Quantitative analysis of Hall system in the exhaust of asymmetric magnetic reconnection

Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Furong Room (Cynn Hotel)
Yongcun Zhang1,2, Benoit Lavraud2, Lei Dai1, Chi Wang1, Aurelie Marchaudon2, Suping Duan1, Binbin Tang1 and The MMS team, (1)NSSC National Space Science Center, CAS, SKL of Space Weather, Beijing, China, (2)IRAP, Toulouse, France
Taking advantage of high-resolution measurements from the MMS mission, we find evidence for a complete Hall system in the exhaust of asymmetric magnetic reconnection 40 downstream of the X line. The investigation of the fine structure of the Hall system reveals that it displays features in the exhaust similar to those reported previously in the ion diffusion region by simulations and observations. This finding confirms the importance of particle-scale processes in the reconnection exhaust as well. On the magnetospheric side of the exhaust, electrons are strongly accelerated by parallel electric fields. This process significantly contributes to feed the Hall current system, resulting in a non-negligible Hall magnetic field signature on this side despite an otherwise lower density. Calculation of the induced out-of-plane magnetic field by in-plane currents (based on Biot-Savart Law) provides direct quantitative evidence for the process of Hall magnetic field generation by the Hall current system. A strong normal Hall electric field is present only on the magnetospheric side of the exhaust region, consistent with previous works. Multipoint data analysis shows that the ion pressure gradient in the ion momentum equation produces this Hall electric field. This global pattern of the Hall system can be explained by Kinetic Alfvén Wave (KAW) theory.