How magnetic reconnection at dayside magnetopause effects on oxygen ions in the cusp

Wednesday, 12 July 2017: 11:50
Furong Room (Cynn Hotel)
Suping Duan1, Lei Dai1, Chi Wang1, Chunlin Cai1 and Iannis S Dandouras2, (1)NSSC National Space Science Center, CAS, SKL of Space Weather, Beijing, China, (2)IRAP, Toulouse, France
Conjunction observations of the electromagnetic field and plasma by Cluster and TC-1 at the dayside magnetosphere are presented to investigate the variations of oxygen ions characteristics in the cusp region during dayside magnetic reconnection period. The number density and energy flux of O+ ions from CIS/CODF instrument on Cluster spacecraft both increase significantly in the cusp after dayside magnetic reconnection. The oxygen ions with energy lager than 10 keV partially distributed in the anti-parallel direction along the background magnetic field. This result suggests that the dayside MR not only play a key role in the upward flowing of O+ ions from the ionosphere but also is an important source region of the energetic oxygen ions in the high altitude cusp . Our investigations provide confident evidence that the magnetic reconnection at dayside low latitude magnetopause can accelerate oxygen ions with energy of tens keV into the cusp region.