Charged Particle Behavior in Localized Ultralow Frequency Waves: Theory and Observations

Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Furong Room (Cynn Hotel)
Li Li1, Xuzhi Zhou1, Qiugang Zong1, Robert Rankin2, Hong Zou1, Ying Liu1, Xing-Ran Chen1 and Yixin Hao1, (1)Peking University, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Beijing, China, (2)University of Alberta, Physics, Edmonton, AB, Canada
The formation and variability of the Van Allen radiation belts are highly influenced by charged particles accelerated via drift-resonant interactions with ultralow frequency (ULF) waves. In the prevailing theory of drift resonance, the ULF wave amplitude is assumed independent of magnetic longitude. This assumption is not generally valid in Earth’s magnetosphere, as supported by numerous observations that point to the localized nature of ULF waves. Here, we introduce a longitude dependence of the ULF wave amplitude, achieved via a von Mises function, into the theoretical framework of ULF wave-particle drift resonance. To validate the revised theory, the predicted particle signatures are compared with observational data through a best-fit procedure. It is demonstrated that incorporation of non-local effects in drift-resonance theory provides an improved understanding of charged particle behavior in the radiation belts through the intermediary of ULF waves.