Impact of the QBO phases on transport of sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere
Transport processes in the stratosphere depend on the QBO phase. A westerly phase in the lower stratosphere increases tropical confinement of the aerosols and reduced meridional transport (Niemeier and Schmidt, 2017). We investigate the impact of the QBO phase on the distribution of sulfate after a volcanic eruption in different case studies in simulations with eruptions in different QBO phases. Simulations of a hypothetical Mt. Agung eruption in October 2017, once into a freely developed QBO in a phase similar to observations and once into a zonal wind field nudged to observations, show different meridional transport. We further analyse if the relatively short life time of the sulfate in ECHAM5-HAM after the simulated Tambora eruption (Marshall et al, 2017) increases in the configuration that generates.
Marshall, L., et al.: ACPD,, 2017.
Niemeier, U. and Schmidt, H.:, ACPD,, 2017.
Niemeier U. and S. Tilmes, Science, Vol. 357, Issue 6348, pp. pp 246-248, DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3317, 2017.