Retrievals of sulfur species from IASI measurements

Monday, 19 March 2018
Iriarte (Hotel Botanico)
Elisa Carboni1, Lucy Ventress1, David England2, Isabelle Taylor3, Tamsin Mather3, Roy Gordon Grainger4 and Catherine Hayer5, (1)University of Oxford, Physics - AOPP, Oxford, United Kingdom, (2)Univerity of Oxford, Physics, Oxford, United Kingdom, (3)Univerity of Oxford, Earth science, Oxford, United Kingdom, (4)University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, (5)Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, United States
Volcanic eruptions are a significant source of atmospheric SO2 and its effects and lifetime depend on the SO2 injection altitude.
In the stratosphere, SO2 oxidizes to form stratospheric H2SO4 aerosol that can affect climate for several years.
The effects of SO2 in the atmosphere and the speed of conversion into H2SO4 depend on the amount released and on the altitude of the plume.
Thermal infrared spectra are affected by both SO2 and H2SO4 droplets and can be used to quantify both and study the conversion.
Here we exploit the high resolution nadir spectral measurements from IASI for SO2 and H2SO4 retrievals and we present:
1) the results of the SO2 retrieval (Carboni et al. 2012, Carboni et al 2016), of column amount and altitude (vertical distribution), for recent eruptions.
2) A new optimal estimation aerosol retrieval scheme for H2SO4, together with sensitivity study and error analysis.