Coupled MHD and Inner Magnetosphere Modeling of Proxima-b

Anthony Sciola1, Frank Toffoletto1, David Alexander2 and Stanislav Y Sazykin1, (1)Rice University, Physics and Astronomy Department, Houston, TX, United States, (2)Rice University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Houston, TX, United States
Being our closest stellar neighbor, much effort has gone into modeling the Proxima system in order to predict the likelihood of habitabilty. In order to better understand Proxima b's magnetic response to the enhanced stellar wind of its active M dwarf host, we employ the 3D MHD model BATSRUS coupled with the Rice Convection Model (RCM) driven by an enhanced stellar wind assumed to simulate the properties of the host star. The RCM’s modeling of the inner magnetosphere is important as it can be a source region of enhanced plasma population and pressure that can influence the global response of the planet’s magnetosphere. It can also lead to enhanced region-2 field aligned currents in the polar caps. This detailed modeling of the magnetosphere enables us to more accurately estimate the parameters that govern habitability, such as rate of thermal ion loss, as well as potential detectability of auroral radio emission.