Integrated Geoscience Observatory: A data and software collaboration platform for geospace science
Integrated Geoscience Observatory: A data and software collaboration platform for geospace science
The Integrated Geoscience Observatory (InGeO) is a platform designed to bring diverse geospace data from disparate instruments together for the purposes of comparison and integration. The data can then be worked on using open source online Python interface. The same platform also allows the user to run models for the specified date and time parameters. This project has currently completed a pilot phase, in which ground-based geospatial data from all-sky imagers and radars were brought together, combined with the well-known Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) model. InGeO is implemented using contemporary software practices, including Jupyter Hub and a docker interface that allows easy reproducibility of results. Reproducibility and improved collaboration among geospace scientists are two primary goals of the InGeO project that was supported by NSF EarthCube initiative. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the InGeO system and outline the potential for contribution to geospace science.