Please note this is a preliminary online program. Additional search options will be available in the next two weeks.
  • Search for a session by selecting an option from the left panel or use the simple phrase search below by typing index terms, key words, convener/author names, or the session/abstract title in the search field. You can also limit the search results by using one or more of the available filters below.
  • Please contact with any questions regarding the Scientific Program.

(more about Advanced ...)

If "Advanced" is checked:

  • You can include Boolean logic in your search. So an advanced search for "mantle" AND "trace elements" will give you a more precise set of results than "mantle trace elements". (NOTE: Be sure to capitalize "AND" and "OR" if you want them to be interpreted as Boolean operators.)
  • The search will only include exact matches to your terms. (Otherwise it allows for some typos and variants. Leave it unchecked for a 'fuzzy' search, returning both "Bolivia" and "Bolivian" if you search for "Bolivia". Regardless of whether you used "advanced" or not, You can also search terms within quotes to make the search less fuzzy.)
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