Ocean Surface reconstruction from the synergy of Sentinel-3 sensors
Cristina Gonzalez-Haro1, Emmanuelle Autret2, Jordi Isern-Fontanet3, Pierre Tandeo4, Clement Le Goff4, Rene Garello4 and Ronan Fablet5, (1)Telecom Bretagne, Lab-STICC, Brest Cedex 3, France, (2)IFREMER, Univ. Brest, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS), Plouzané, France, (3)ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, (4)Telecom Bretagne, Lab-STICC, Brest, France, (5)Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France