Advanced DInSAR analysis at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius, Italy
Kristy French Tiampo, University of Colorado at Boulder, CIRES, Department of Geological Sciences, Boulder, United States; University of Colorado Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Dept. of Geological Sciences, Boulder, United States, Antonio G. Camacho, Institute of Geosciences (CSIC-UCM), Plaza de Ciencias 3, 28040, Madrid, Spain, Jose Fernandez, Institute of Geosciences (CSIC-UCM), Calle del Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. Facultad de Medicina (Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8, 4ยช planta) Ciudad Universitaria., Madrid, Spain, Pablo J Gonzalez, University of Leeds, COMET, School of Earth and Environment, Leeds, United Kingdom and Sergey V Samsonov, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada