Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation

Debra Hurwitz Needham1, Dean B. Eppler2, Jacob E Bleacher3, James A Skinner4, Cynthia A Evans2, Wanda Feng5, John E Gruener2, Peggy A Whitson2, Barbara A Janoiko2 and Stanley A Mertzman6, (1)Oak Ridge Associated Universities Inc., Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States, (2)NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United States, (3)NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, United States, (4)US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ, United States, (5)Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States, (6)Franklin and Marshall College, Department of Earth and Environment, Lancaster, PA, United States