The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial (127-110 ka): A New Record From the Patriot Hills

Chris SM Turney1, Christopher Joseph Fogwill1, David M Etheridge2, Michael Ian Bird3, Mauro Rubino4, David Thornton2, Niels Munksgaard5,6, Alan Cooper7, Helen Millman8, Camilla Rootes9, Andres Rivera10, Andy Baker8 and Laura Weyrich7, (1)University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, (2)CSIRO Environment, Aspendale, Australia, (3)James Cook University, College of Science, Technology, and Engineering, Cairns, Australia, (4)CSIRO, Aspendale, Australia, (5)James Cook University, College of Science and Engineering, Smithfield, Australia, (6)Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia, (7)University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, (8)University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, (9)University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, (10)CECS-Center for Scientific Studies, Valdvia, Chile