The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High 3He/4He Mantle

Stephen Wayne Parman1, Colin Jackson2, Natalie Starkey3, Richard Greenwood3, Ian Franchi3, Matthew G Jackson4, J Godfrey Fitton5, Finlay M. Stewart6 and Lotte M Larsen7, (1)Brown University, DEEPS - Dept of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Providence, United States, (2)Geophysical Laboratory, Washington Dc, DC, United States, (3)Open University, Planetary and Space Sciences, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, (4)University of California Santa Barbara, Earth Science, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, (5)University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, (6)Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center at the University of Glasgow, East Kilbride, United Kingdom, (7)Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark