Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations
Ja-Ho Koo1, Kaley A Walker2, Ashley Jones3, Patrick Sheese3, Dylan B. A. Jones4, Chris D. Boone5, Peter F Bernath6 and Gloria L Manney7, (1)Yonsei University, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul, South Korea, (2)University of Toronto, Department of Physics, Toronto, ON, Canada, (3)University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, (4)University of Toronto, Physics, Toronto, ON, Canada, (5)University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo, ON, Canada, (6)Old Dominion University, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Norfolk, VA, United States, (7)NorthWest Research Associates, Inc, Socorro, NM, United States