Modelling the Spatial Distribution of CO2 Fluxes in a Subalpine Grassland Plateau of the Italian Alps Using Multiple Airborne AISA Eagle Hyperspectral Sensor Observations and Sentinel-2 Simulated Data.
Loris Vescovo1, Karolina Sakowska2,3, Damiano Gianelle3, Micol Rossini4, Giorgio Alberti5, Michele Dalponte3, Francesco Fava6, Beniamino Gioli7, Tommaso Julitta6, Franco Meggio8, Andrea Pitacco9 and Alasdair Mac Arthur10, (1)Fondazione Edmund Mach and Innovation Center, San Michele all'Adige, Italy, (2)Poznan University of Life Sciences, Meteorology Department, Poznan, Poland, (3)Research and Innovation Centre - Fondazione Edmund Mach, Sustainable Agro-ecosystems and Bioresources Department, San Michele all'Adige, Italy, (4)University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Milan, Italy, (5)University of Udine, Udine, Italy, (6)Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, Remote Sensing of Environmental Dynamics Laboratory, DISAT, Milan, Italy, (7)CNR National Research Council, Rome, Italy, (8)University of Padova, Padua, Italy, (9)University of Padova, Padova, Italy, (10)University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences, FSF, Edinburgh, United Kingdom