Marine and Lacustrine Turbidite Records: Testing Linkages and Estimating Ground Motions, Central Cascadia Margin, USA

Rachel B. Hausmann1, Chris Goldfinger2, Bran Black2, Tim Collins3, Christopher Glenn Romsos4, Leonardo Gomes Medeiros5, Mike Mutschler6, Steve Galer4, Richard Raymond7, Ann E. Morey4 and CEOAS Active Tectonics & Seafloor Mapping Lab , (1)Oregon State University, Corvallis, United States, (2)Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States, (3)Portland Water Bureau, Geotechnical Engineering, Portland, OR, United States, (4)Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States, (5)UFRN Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Geophysics, Natal, Brazil, (6)Norbit Americas, Marine GNSS Solutions, Portland, United States, (7)Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Environmental Studies Program, Anchorage, AK, United States