Valuing Tradeoffs in Natural Resources Using Geospatial Information II Posters

Session ID#: 10164

Session Description:
The production and accessibility of geospatial information is changing from both technological advances and broader human participation.  New approaches are being developed to address the valuation and impacts of natural resources. These include the identification, design and measurement of indicators for natural resource changes and methodologies for interpreting and comparing indicators. This session will address the creation and monitoring of environmental indices and related methods of impact/benefit assessments.  This will include for example "stacking" indicators on top of one another and the identification, design, and measurement of a set of indicators overlaid on a unit of a natural resource. This session welcomes detailed discussion of the value of information in examples of decision support in which multiple sources of satellite and other geospatial data products are blended to produce actionable information. Examples include drought monitoring, weather forecasts, agricultural productivity projections, water and air quality monitoring, or forestry conservation and management.
Primary Convener:  Francoise Pearlman, FourBridges, Port Angeles, WA, United States
Conveners:  Molly Macauley, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, United States, Richard Bernknopf, University of New Mexico Main Campus, Albuquerque, NM, United States and Lawrence Friedl, NASA Headquarters, Earth Science Division, Washington, DC, United States
Chairs:  Francoise Pearlman, Retired, Washington, DC, United States and Lawrence Friedl, NASA Headquarters, Earth Science Division, Washington, DC, United States
OSPA Liaison:  Francoise Pearlman, Retired, Washington, DC, United States

  • IN - Earth and Space Science Informatics
  • SI - Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences
Index Terms:

0480 Remote sensing [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
0485 Science policy [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
6304 Benefit-cost analysis [POLICY SCIENCES]
6309 Decision making under uncertainty [POLICY SCIENCES]

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Jasper Knight and Elhadi Adam, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Georgina Crepps1, Lauren M Childs-Gleason2, Jamie E Favors3, Dr. Kenton W Ross, PhD4, Lindsay Rogers5, Karen N Allsbrook6 and Michael L Ruiz5, (1)NASA DEVELOP Program - SSAI, National Program Office, Hampton, VA, United States, (2)NASA DEVELOP Program, Hampton, United States, (3)NASA DEVELOP National Program, Newport News, United States, (4)NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, United States, (5)NASA DEVELOP Program, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, United States, (6)NASA DEVELOP Program, National Program Office, Hampton, United States
Matthew J Smith1, Sadia Ahmed1, Drew W Purves1, Stephen Emmott1, Lucas Joppa2, Silvia Caldararu3, Piero Visconti1, Tim Newbold4 and Adam Frank Formica5, (1)Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom, (2)Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, United States, (3)Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, (4)UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom, (5)University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Richard Bernknopf, University of New Mexico Main Campus, Albuquerque, NM, United States and Jay Pearlman, IEEE, Seattle, WA, United States
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, John Leslie King, University of Michigan, School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI, United States and Susan Winter, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States
Jason Gallo, Science and Technology Policy Institute, Washington, DC, United States and Timothy Schilling Stryker, Executive Office of the President, U.S. Department of the Interior, Springfield, VA, UNITED STATES
Sarah J Ryker, USGS Energy and Minerals, Reston, VA, United States
Seulgi Jeong1, Dong Kun Lee2, Wookju . Jeong1, Seunggyu Jeong1 and Yihua Jin1, (1)Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South), (2)Seoul National University, Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering, Seoul, South Korea

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