Gravity and Magnetic Field Models and Their Application to Tectonics II Posters
Gravity and Magnetic Field Models and Their Application to Tectonics II Posters
Gravity and Magnetic Field Models and Their Application to Tectonics II Posters
Session ID#: 10236
Session Description:
Satellite, terrestrial and marine observations of both gravity and magnetic fields contribute to a wide range of studies: from imaging the Earth´s structure at all levels to modeling of geodynamic processes. Therefore, the determination of the density and magnetic structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle is critical for understanding of active tectonics. We invite presentations related to spatial and temporal variations of the Earth gravity and magnetic field: from preparation of the initial models to their interpretation within various geophysical applications. In particularly we encourage contributions that: 1) Develop new methods for the construction of integrative physical models; 2) Present models of the lithosphere and mantle based on joint interpretation of different geophysical data sets; 3) Determine the factors, such as temperature and composition, that are reflected in potential fields; 4) Investigate isostatic models, deformations and stress concentration particularly as these relate to near-surface density anomalies and inherited structures.
Primary Convener: Mikhail K Kaban, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Conveners: Hans-Juergen Goetze, University of Kiel, Institute for Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, Walter D Mooney, USGS California Water Science Center Menlo Park, Menlo Park, CA, United States and Ali Dehghani, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Chairs: Mikhail K Kaban, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, Hans-Juergen Goetze, University of Kiel, Institute for Earth Sciences, Kiel, Germany, Walter D Mooney, USGS California Water Science Center Menlo Park, Menlo Park, CA, United States and Ali Dehghani, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
OSPA Liaison: Mikhail K Kaban, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
- G - Geodesy
- GP - Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
- T - Tectonophysics
Index Terms:
1219 Gravity anomalies and Earth structure [GEODESY AND GRAVITY]
1517 Magnetic anomalies: modeling and interpretation [GEOMAGNETISM AND PALEOMAGNETISM]
3010 Gravity and isostasy [MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS]
8110 Continental tectonics: general [TECTONOPHYSICS]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Crustal density distribution in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau revealed by gravity gradients (65929)
Delineation of Urban Active Faults Using Multi-scale Gravity Analysis in Shenzhen, South China (71922)
Geophysical Investigation of Australian-Antarctic Ridge Using High-Resolution Gravity and Bathymetry (77218)
See more of: Study of Earth's Deep Interior