Emerging Perspectives on Land Use: Global Drivers and Local Impacts in a Socioenvironmentally Teleconnected World I

Session ID#: 10468

Session Description:
Earth’s land surface embodies the dynamic interplay of the physical, social and economic processes that constitute global change. For example, deforestation, agriculture and urbanisation all modify the climate, ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles. Such changes, in turn, affect land and the societies that rely on it. Because land is shaped today largely by human activities, it has become an important site of policies aimed at achieving sustainability. Consequently, land is also the site of conflicts and competing claims: land grabs and the competition between crops for food and biofuels are but two manifestations. 

This session aims to bring together a diverse group of natural and social scientists to explore emerging perspectives on land. We welcome contributions on topics including but not limited to: 1) drivers, trajectories and implications of historic and future land-use change; 2) trade and teleconnections; 3) novel land-use practices for responding to rapid global change; 4) land-atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions.

Primary Convener:  Peter Verburg, VU University, Department of Earth Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conveners:  Kathleen D Morrison, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, Narcisa GABRIELA Pricope, Mississippi State University, Geosciences, Mississippi State, MS, United States and Darla Munroe, Ohio State University, Department of Geography, Columbus, OH, United States
Chairs:  Peter Verburg, VU University, Department of Earth Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands and Narcisa GABRIELA Pricope, Mississippi State University, Geosciences, Mississippi State, MS, United States
OSPA Liaison:  Darla Munroe, Ohio State University, Department of Geography, Columbus, OH, United States

  • B - Biogeosciences
  • SI - Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences
  • IGBP: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme -
Index Terms:

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Prof. Erle C Ellis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Geography & Environmental Systems, Baltimore, MD, United States
Hallie Eakin1, Ashwina Mahanti1 and Ximena Rueda2, (1)Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States, (2)Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Helmut Haberl, Thomas Kastner, Anke Schaffartzik and Karl Heinz Erb, Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Vienna, Graz, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Prasanth Meiyappan1, Parth Sarathi Roy2, Yeshu Sharma3, Atul K Jain1, Reshma Ramachandran4 and Pawan Kumar Joshi5, (1)University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, (2)World Resources Institute India, Sustainable Landscapes and Restoration, New Delhi, India, (3)International Institute of Information Technology, Lab for Spatial Informatics, Hyderabad, India, (4)University of Hyderabad, University Center for Earth and Space Science, Hyderabad, India, (5)Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Environmental Sciences, New Delhi, India
Cheikh Mbow1, Martin Brandt2, Rasmus Fensholt3, Issa Ouedraogo1 and Torbern Tagesson2, (1)World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya, (2)University of Copenhagen, København K, Denmark, (3)University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nicholas R Magliocca, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States
Tom P Evans1, Kelly K Caylor2, Lyndon D Estes3, Paul Frederick McCord4, Shahzeen Attari4 and Justin Sheffield2, (1)University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, (2)Princeton University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton, NJ, United States, (3)Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States, (4)Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States