The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics I
The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics I
The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics I
Session ID#: 7726
Session Description:
The final stages of magmatic evolution taking place in shallow crustal reservoirs and conduits play a critical role in the style and frequency of volcanic activity. Understanding the timescales and processes involved in triggering eruptions remains at the forefront of volcanological research. Minerals hold the key to unlocking the history of volcanic systems, because their compositions and textures depend on the pressures, temperatures, and compositions of host liquids. In recent decades, the development and increasing availability of powerful analytical and experimental techniques have allowed researchers to extract information hidden within crystals. Tools for estimating magmatic variables (e.g., storage depths, residence times, ascent rates, timescales of magma recharge) are constantly evolving; however refining their accuracy is critical. We invite proposals that illustrate how the compositions and/or textures of mineral phases are being used to reconstruct pre-eruptive magmatic conditions and the timescales of magmatic processes.
Primary Convener: Sarah Henton De Angelis, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69, United Kingdom
Conveners: Brandon L Browne, Humboldt State University, Geology, Arcata, CA, United States and Jessica F Larsen, Alaska Volcano Observatory, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
Chairs: Brandon L Browne, Humboldt State University, Geology, Arcata, CA, United States and Jessica F Larsen, Alaska Volcano Observatory, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
OSPA Liaison: Brandon L Browne, Humboldt State University, Geology, Arcata, CA, United States
Index Terms:
1036 Magma chamber processes [GEOCHEMISTRY]
1042 Mineral and crystal chemistry [GEOCHEMISTRY]
8410 Geochemical modeling [VOLCANOLOGY]
8413 Subduction zone processes [VOLCANOLOGY]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Apatite: A New Tool For Understanding The Temporal Variability Of Magmatic Volatile Contents (71976)
See more of: Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology