Runoff Generation Processes in Changing Environments: Integrating Observations and Processes III Posters
Session ID#: 7744
Session Description:
This comprehensive session integrates interests and expertise from several Hydrological technical committees (Surface water, Ecohydrology, Water quality, and Soils & Critical zone processes) while reaching out to other AGU sections including Biogeosciences, Cryophere and Global environmental change, Natural Hazards and others.
We invite contributions on runoff generation mechanisms and observations at various spatial and temporal scales considering the roles of storage dynamics (above and belowground); connectivity in land and riverscapes; dynamics in flowpaths; linkages between landforms-soils- vegetation-water; and anthropogenic effects through the exchange of water under a changing climate. Contributions focusing on new theoretical developments and novel applications of technologies to the understanding and quantification of runoff generation processes (from conceptual frameworks, to advances in hydrochemical and isotope tracer applications, sensor and characterization methods, remote sensing, hydrogeophysics and more) are encouraged; other contributions to this broad subject are very welcome.
Primary Convener: Doerthe Tetzlaff, University of Aberdeen, Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Conveners: Douglas A Burns, USGS, Troy, United States, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, University of Washington, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Seattle, United States and Dani Or, ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science, Zürich, Switzerland
Chairs: Douglas A Burns, USGS, Baltimore, MD, United States, Doerthe Tetzlaff, University of Aberdeen, Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Dani Or, ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science, Zürich, Switzerland and Erkan Istanbulluoglu, University of Washington Seattle Campus, Seattle, WA, United States
OSPA Liaison: Doerthe Tetzlaff, University of Aberdeen, Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Guilin Han, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China
Lydia Beck Nickolas, Oregon State University, Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Corvallis, OR, United States, Catalina Segura, Oregon State University, Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management; Water Resources Graduate Program, Corvallis, OR, United States and J Renee Brooks, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pacific Ecological Systems Division, Corvallis, United States
Manish Gupta1, Elena SF Berman2, Yi-wen Huang2, Denis Lacelle3, Christopher P McKay4 and Susan Fortson5, (1)Nikira Labs, Inc., Mountain View, United States, (2)Los Gatos Research, Mountain View, CA, United States, (3)University of Ottawa, Department of Geography, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (4)NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, ARRAY(0xf697960), United States, (5)ABB Inc, Mountain View, United States
Lyssette E Munoz Villers, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, Daniel R. Geissert Kientz, Instituto de Ecología, A.C., Ecología Funcional, Xalapa, Mexico, Friso Holwerda, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Mexico City, Mexico and Jeffrey McDonnell, University of Saskatchewan, School of Environment and Sustainability, Global Institute for Water Security, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Xuegao Chen1, Peng Yi1, Li Chen2 and Ala Aldahan3, (1)Hohai University, Nanjing, China, (2)Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV, United States, (3)United Arab Emirates University, Geology, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Jay Frentress, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States, Laurent Pfister, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Washington, DC, United States and Jeffrey McDonnell, University of Saskatchewan, School of Environment and Sustainability, Global Institute for Water Security, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Corey Moran Wells, Scott J Ketcheson and Jonathan S Price, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Michael Rinderer, Duke University, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Durham, NC, United States, Brian L McGlynn, Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC, United States and Ilja H.J. van Meerveld, University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland
Maria E Blumstock1, Doerthe Tetzlaff2, Gunnar Nuetzmann3, Iain Malcolm4 and Chris Soulsby1, (1)University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, (2)University of Aberdeen, Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, (3)Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany, (4)Marine Scotland Science, Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry, United Kingdom
Kelsey G Jencso1, Emily Clark1, Marco P Maneta2 and Brian L McGlynn3, (1)University of Montana, Missoula, MT, United States, (2)Associate Professor, University of Montana, Geosciences, Missoula, MT, United States, (3)Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC, United States
Laurent Pfister1, Jeffrey McDonnell2, Christophe Hissler1, Núria Martínez-Carreras1 and Julian Klaus3, (1)Luxembourg Institute of Science and technology, Belvaux, Luxembourg, (2)University of Saskatchewan, School of Environment and Sustainability, Global Institute for Water Security, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, (3)Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Catchment and Eco-hydrology, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Michael L Cummings, Jonathan M Weatherford and David Eibert, Portland State University, Geology, Portland, OR, United States
Andreas Guntner1, Michal Mikolaj2, Marvin Reich1, Stephan Schröder1 and Hartmut Wziontek3, (1)Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Hydrology, Potsdam, Germany, (2)Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, (3)BKG Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Geodesy, Unit 4: Gravity Metrology, Leipzig, Germany
Mariah Bell, Brener de Almeida Oliveira and Kelsey G Jencso, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, United States
Nitin Singh, North Carolina State University Raleigh, Raleigh, NC, United States
Jeffrey W Riley, USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center, Norcross, GA, United States and Brent T Aulenbach, U.S. Geological Survey, South Atlantic Water Science Center, Norcross, United States
Basile Hector, CNES French National Center for Space Studies, Toulouse Cedex 09, France; IRD, The Institute for Geosciences and Environmental research (IGE), Grenoble, France, Jean-Martial Cohard, Université Grenoble Alpes, The Institute for Geosciences and Environmental research (IGE), Grenoble, France and Luc Séguis, IRD Hydrosciences, Montpellier, France
David Zumr1, Jakub Jeřábek1 and Ludek Strouhal2, (1)Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Landscape Water Conservation, Prague, Czech Republic, (2)Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic
Kathryn Hofmeister, Michigan Technological University, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Houghton, MI, United States and Todd Walter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States
Taciana Figueiredo Gomes1, Robson Willians Costa Silva1, Jorge Marcos Moraes2, Edmar Antonio Mazzi3, Plinio Barbosa de Camargo4 and Luiz Antonio Martinelli3, (1)USP University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, (2)Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, Brazil, (3)Universidade de Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil, (4)University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, United States
Shahadat Hossain Jr, Junior Engineer, Water Resource Planning, IWM, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Dhaka Urban Drainage Modeling Team
Sung-Kee Yang1, Kanak Kanti Kar1 and Jun-Ho Lee2, (1)Jeju National University, Civil Engineering, Jeju, Korea, Republic of (South), (2)Jeju National University, Civil Engineering, Jeju, South Korea
Gopal Penny1, Sally E Thompson2, Veena Srinivasan3, Joshua Peschel4, Sierra Noelle Young5, Kirubaharan Jeremiah3 and Apoorva R3, (1)National University of Singapore, Department of Geography, Singapore, Singapore, (2)University of California Berkeley, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Berkeley, CA, United States, (3)Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, India, (4)University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Urbana, IL, United States, (5)Utah State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Logan, United States
Rasmiaditya Silasari and Guenter Bloeschl, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Jorge M Ramirez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Matemáticas, Bogota, Colombia
Michele Di Lazzaro, University Roma Tre, Roma, Italy, Antonio Zarlenga, Universita' di Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Rome, Italy and Elena Volpi, Roma TRE University, Department of Engineering, Rome, Italy
Rodrigo Fernandez, ICHARM International Centre for Water Hazard And Risk Management, Tsukuba, Japan and Takahiro Sayama, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Li Chen, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV, United States, Shai Sela, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, Tal Svoray, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Geography and Environmental Development, Beer Sheva, Israel and Shmuel Assouline, Agricultural Research Organization Volcani Center, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Bet-Dagan, Israel
Lei Qiao, Oklahoma State University Main Campus, Stillwater, OK, United States, Chris Zou, Oklahoma State University, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Stillwater, United States and Elaine Stebler, Oklahoma State University, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Stillwater, OK, United States
Aditya Gusain1, Mohit PRAKASH Mohanty1,2, Vittal H3, Subhankar Karmakar4, Subimal Ghosh5 and Srinivasa Rao G6, (1)Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Centre for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Mumbai, India, (2)Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Water Resources Development and Management, Roorkee, India, (3)Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, Mumbai, India, (4)Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Interdisciplinary Programme in Climate Studies, Mumbai, India, (5)Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Civil Engineering, Mumbai, India, (6)National Remote Sensing center, Hyderabad, India
Han Tseng1, Emily G Wright2, Alan D. Ziegler3 and Thomas W Giambelluca1, (1)University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Department of Geography and Environment, Honolulu, United States, (2)University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Geography, Honolulu, HI, United States, (3)National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore