Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks I Posters
Session ID#: 8167
Session Description:
Subduction over time modifies the overriding plate by fractionation, accretion, and tectonic deformation. This can lead to processes such as tectonic shortening (orogeny), regional uplift, weakening by back-arc spreading and volcanism, basin formation, and/or destabilization of the lithosphere. In turn, the composition, strength, and morphology of the overlying plate, which may be the product of a long geological history and have significant along-strike variations, can affect current large-scale subduction dynamics such as slab dip, and ultimately broad-scale plate kinematics in two and three dimensions. Examples of geological settings that bear witness to these processes are found along the Pacific Rim, the Tethys margin, including the Mediterranean mobile belt, and northwestern North America. We seek contributions from all disciplines, including geodesy, geology, geochemistry, seismology, and geodynamics, that document the tectonic evolution of overlying plate deformation and their link to subduction processes.
Primary Convener: Hiroshi Sato, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan
Conveners: David A Okaya, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Susan M Ellis, GNS Science-Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd, Lower Hutt, New Zealand and Thorsten W Becker, University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences, Austin, TX, United States
Chairs: David A Okaya, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States and Andrew Patrick Lamb, USGS Western Regional Offices Menlo Park, Menlo Park, CA, United States
OSPA Liaison: David A Okaya, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Jessica McBeck1, Michele L Cooke2, Justin W Herbert3, Pauline Souloumiac4 and Bertrand Maillot4, (1)University of Olso, Oslo, Norway, (2)University of Massachusetts Amherst, Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences, Amherst, MA, United States, (3)Chevron Corporation Houston, Houston, TX, United States, (4)Laboratoire Géosciences et Environnement Cergy, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Lebrun Jean-Frederic1, Lyvane DeMin1, Johan Garrigou2, Philippe Munch2, Jean-Len Léticée1 and Jean-Jacques Cornée3, (1)Université des Antilles, UMR5243 Geosciences Montpellier, Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe, (2)Université de Montpellier, UMR5243 Geosciences Montpellier, Montpellier, France, (3)UMR5243 Geosciences Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France
Haydn Orme1, Rebecca E Bell2 and Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson1, (1)Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, (2)Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, London, United Kingdom
Nana Kamiya, Doshisha University, Department of Environmental System Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, Yuzuru Yamamoto, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan and Takato Takemura, Nihon University, Department of Geosystem Sciences, Humanities and Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
Wu-Cheng Chi, Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan, Liwen Chen, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan and Char-Shine Liu, NTU National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Emily E Rodriguez, University of Florida, Ft Walton Beach, FL, United States, Raymond M Russo, University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences, Ft Walton Beach, FL, United States, Victor I Mocanu, University of Bucharest, Department of Geophysics, Bucharest, Romania, Alejandro Gallego, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, United States, Ruth Murdie, Geological Survey of Western Australia, East Perth, WA, Australia and Diana Comte, Universidad de Chile, AMTC FCFM, Santiago, Chile
Nathan L Bangs, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Austin, TX, United States and Kirk D McIntosh, Univ of Tx-Austin-Geosciences, Austin, TX, United States
Muriel Laurencin, IUEM, LGO UMR 6538, Plouzané, France, David Graindorge, Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR5638, Plouzané, France, Boris Marcaillou, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR6538, Plouzané, France, Mikael Evain, IFREMER, Plouzané, France and Lebrun Jean-Frederic, Antilles University, Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe
Frauke Klingelhoefer, Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR6538, Plouzané, France, Muriel Laurencin, IUEM, LGO UMR 6538, Plouzané, France, Boris Marcaillou, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, Mikael Evain, IFREMER, Plouzané, France, David Graindorge, Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR5638, Plouzané, France, Arnauld Heuret, UMR5243 Geosciences Montpellier, Guyane University, Cayenne, French Guiana, Lebrun Jean-Frederic, Université des Antilles, Département de géologie, Pointe à Pitre, France, Francis Lucazeau, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France, Thibaud Pichot, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, Paris, France, Frederique Rolandone, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, CNRS, ISTeP, Paris, France and Helene Bouquerel, Université Paris Cité, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, F-75005 Paris, France, Paris, France
Boris Marcaillou1, Frauke Klingelhoefer2, Muriel Laurencin3, Lebrun Jean-Frederic4, David Graindorge5, Helene Bouquerel6, Marianne Conin7, Jacques Crozon8, Lyvane De Min4, Beatrice De Voogd9, Mikael Evain8, Arnauld Heuret10, Mireille Laigle11, Serge Lallemand12, Francis Lucazeau13, Thibaud Pichot6, Christophe Prunier14, Frederique Rolandone15, Dominique Rousset9 and Clement Vitard11, (1)University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, (2)Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR6538, Plouzané, France, (3)IUEM, LGO UMR 6538, Plouzané, France, (4)Université des Antilles, Département de géologie, Pointe à Pitre, France, (5)Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR5638, Plouzané, France, (6)Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France, (7)Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, (8)IFREMER, Plouzané, France, (9)Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France, (10)Université de Guyane, Cayenne, French Guiana, (11)GeoAzur, Valbonne, France, (12)University of Montpellier II, Montpellier Cedex 05, France, (13)Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France, (14)IUEM Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Plouzané, France, (15)Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, CNRS, ISTeP, Paris, France
Paul M Betka, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, United States, Leonardo Seeber, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs, Palisades, United States and Michael S Steckler, Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, United States
Baiyuan Gao, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States and Peter B Flemings, The University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics and Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, Austin, United States
Jonathan R. Weiss, NOAA/NWS/Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Honolulu, United States, Garrett Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Earth Sciences, Honolulu, HI, United States, Benjamin A. Brooks, U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Science Center, Moffett Field, CA, United States, Jean-Arthur L Olive, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, United States, James H Foster, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, Honolulu, HI, United States and Samuel M Howell, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, United States
Julia Morgan, Rice University, Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Houston, TX, United States
Maud Fabre1, Martin Patriat1, Julien Collot2, Leonid V Danyushevsky3, Sebastien Meffre3, Trevor Falloon4, Pierrick Rouillard2, Bernard Pelletier5, Michael John Roach3 and Marc Fournier6, (1)IFREMER, Nouméa, New Caledonia, (2)Geological Survey of New Caledonia - SGNC/DIMENC, Nouméa, New Caledonia, (3)ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, (4)University of Tasmania, Centre of Ore Deposits and Earth Sciences, Hobart, Australia, (5)IRD, Nouméa, New Caledonia, (6)University Pierre and Marie Curie Paris VI, Paris, France
Hiroshi Sato1, Tatsuya Ishiyama2, Naoko Kato1, Susumu Abe3, Kazuya Shiraishi4, Mitsuru Inaba3, Eiji Kurashimo5, Takaya Iwasaki1, Anne Van Horne6, Tetsuo No7, Takeshi Sato8, Shuichi Kodaira9, Makoto Matsubara10, Tetsuya Takeda10, Shiori Abe11 and Chihiro Kodaira11, (1)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (2)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (3)JAPEX Japan Petroleum Exploration, Tokyo, Japan, (4)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan, (5)The University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, (6)Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States, (7)JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan, (8)Gifu Univ, Gifu, Japan, (9)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan, (10)National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan, (11)INPEX Corporation, 5-3-2 Akasak, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan
Takeshi Sato1, Tetsuo No2, Shuichi Kodaira1, Seiichi Miura1, Tatsuya Ishiyama3 and Hiroshi Sato3, (1)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, R&D Center for Earthquake and Tsunami, Yokohama, Japan, (2)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, Yokohama, Japan, (3)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Tetsuo No1, Takeshi Sato2, Shuichi Kodaira3, Seiichi Miura2, Tatsuya Ishiyama4 and Hiroshi Sato5, (1)JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan, (2)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan, (3)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan, (4)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (5)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan
Takaya Iwasaki1, Hiroshi Sato1, Tatsuya Ishiyama2, Masanao Shinohara1 and Akinori Hashima1, (1)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (2)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Anne Van Horne1,2, Hiroshi Sato3, Tatsuya Ishiyama4 and Naoko Kato3, (1)Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Toyko, Tokyo, Japan, (2)Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (3)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (4)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Takahiro Tagami, Kyoto University, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, Shigeru Sueoka, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Toki, Japan, Barry Paul Kohn, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia and Syoma Fukuda, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Koichi Yamauchi1, Masahiro Ishikawa2, Hiroshi Sato3, Takaya Iwasaki3 and Tsuyoshi Toyoshima4, (1)Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (2)Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan, (3)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (4)Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
Ayumu Miyakawa and Makoto Otsubo, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
Xianbing Xu1,2, Shuai Tang1 and Shoufa Lin2, (1)China University of Geosciences Wuhan, Wuhan, China, (2)University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Keisuke Yoshida, NIED National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan, Nelson E Pulido, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Earthquake and Tsunami Research Division, Tsukuba, Japan and Eiichi Fukuyama, Kyoto University, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto, Japan
Phillip Kenneth McFarland, MS, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States, Rick A Bennett, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States and Patricia M Alvarado, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Departamento de Geofísica y Astronomía, FCEFN, San Juan, Argentina
Charles Cashman Trexler, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, United States, Eric Cowgill, University of California, Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States, Nathan A Niemi, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI, United States and Tea Godoladze, Institute of Earth Sciences and National Seismic Monitoring Center, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Andrew Howell, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand, James A Jackson, University of Cambridge, Earth Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Philip C England, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom and Costas Synolakis, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Joaquina Alvarez-Marron, Insitute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, Earth Structure and Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, Ramon Carbonell, ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, Puy Ayarza, University of Salamanca, Geology, Salamanca, Spain and Montserrat Torne, Group of Dynamics of the Lithosphere, Geosciences Barcelona (Geo3Bcn-CSIC), Barcelona (Spain), Barcelona, Spain
Brandon Crawford1, Mark Allen Hemphill-Haley2, Jessie Vermeer3 and Melanie Michalak3, (1)Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, United States, (2)Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA, United States, (3)Humboldt State University, Arcata, United States
Jessie Vermeer, Humboldt State University, Arcata, United States, Brandon Crawford, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, United States and Mark Allen Hemphill-Haley, Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA, United States
Thomas M Brocher, U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Science Center, Menlo Park, CA, United States, Ray E Wells, U.S. Geological Survey, Portland, OR, United States, Andrew Patrick Lamb, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States and Craig S Weaver, USGS, Seattle, WA, United States
Lydia Staisch, USGS, Menlo Park, CA, United States, Scott E K Bennett, USGS, Geology Minerals Energy and Geophysics Science Center, Menlo Park, CA, United States, Brian L Sherrod, U.S. Geological Survey, Seattle, WA, United States, Harvey M Kelsey, Humboldt State University, Arcata, United States, Andreas Möller, University of Kansas, Geology, Lawrence, KS, United States and James B Paces, USGS, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Denver, CO, United States