Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change I Posters
Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change I Posters
Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change I Posters
Session ID#: 8202
Session Description:
Major advances in quantitative global reconstruction of prehistoric land use and land cover changes are required to understand the role of early land use in transforming Earth system processes. Adequate incorporation of anthropogenic land use and land cover change in global and regional climate models remains one of the major priorities in climate modelling. Early land use and land cover scenarios show very large differences; improved global historical reconstructions are essential to advancing Earth system science and efforts to date the emergence of the Anthropocene. Further, ecological science and conservation are in need of more robust empirical baselines for the timing of human alterations. This session encourages contributions from paleo-ecologists, historians, archaeologists and modellers towards the goal of accelerating collaborative interdisciplinary knowledge generation to fully describe the global history of anthropogenic land use and land cover change from its first beginnings.
Primary Convener: Prof. Erle C Ellis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Geography & Environmental Systems, Baltimore, MD, United States
Conveners: Kees Klein Goldewijk, Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht, Netherlands and John W Williams, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geography & Center for Climatic Research, Madison, United States
Chairs: Prof. Erle C Ellis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Geography & Environmental Systems, Baltimore, MD, United States and Jack Williams, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geography, Madison, WI, United States
OSPA Liaison: Prof. Erle C Ellis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Geography & Environmental Systems, Baltimore, MD, United States
Global Environmental Change, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes, and Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Global Environmental Change, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes, and Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
- EP - Earth and Planetary Surface Processes
- PP - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
- IGBP: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme -
Index Terms:
1622 Earth system modeling [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1632 Land cover change [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1934 International collaboration [INFORMATICS]
1980 Spatial analysis and representation [INFORMATICS]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Speleothem isotopic evidence for rapid human-induced expansion of grasslands in Madagascar at 890 CE (78779)
See more of: Global Environmental Change