Gravity, Geoids, and Geopotential Reference Frames: Data Inputs, Implementations, and Evolution with Time II

Session ID#: 8499

Session Description:
This session welcomes all abstracts related to the collection and processing of gravimetric data and/or its use in computing gravimetric geoid models or regional geopotential models generally. Also relevant are abstracts discussing regional geopotential reference frames (height systems). Topics of interest include: the processing and collection of any gravimetry data, such as surface gravity (ground and marine), airborne gravity, altimetry, and astronomical deflection data; modeling theory; model validation; tracking gravity and geoid changes; Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modeling; regional mass movements measured by gravity (terrestrial or satellite) or GPS; forward modeling of topography and density; calculation of physical height quantities, such as orthometric heights or geopotential numbers.
Primary Convener:  Theresa Damiani, NOAA- Nat-l Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Conveners:  Simon A Holmes, SGT inc., Greenbelt, MD, United States and Dru A Smith, NOAA Natl Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Chairs:  Theresa Damiani, NOAA- Nat-l Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MD, United States and Simon A Holmes, SGT inc., Greenbelt, MD, United States
OSPA Liaison:  Simon A Holmes, SGT inc., Greenbelt, MD, United States

  • C - Cryosphere
  • H - Hydrology
  • NS - Near Surface Geophysics
Index Terms:

1214 Geopotential theory and determination [GEODESY AND GRAVITY]
1217 Time variable gravity [GEODESY AND GRAVITY]
1219 Gravity anomalies and Earth structure [GEODESY AND GRAVITY]
1229 Reference systems [GEODESY AND GRAVITY]

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

R Steven Nerem, University of Colorado at Boulder, Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Boulder, United States and Ryan A Hardy, NOAA National Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, United States
David Becker, Darmstadt University of Technology, Physical and Satellite Geodesy, Darmstadt, Germany
Daniel Barnes1, John K Factor1, Simon A Holmes2, Sarah Ingalls1, Manny R Presicci3, James Beale4 and Thomas Fecher5, (1)NGA, Arnold, MO, United States, (2)SGT inc., Greenbelt, MD, United States, (3)NGA, St Louis, MO, United States, (4)National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, St. Louis, United States, (5)Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Manuel Schilling1, Christian Freier2,3, Vladimir Schkolnik3, Matthias Hauth3, Hartmut Wziontek4, Hans-Georg Scherneck5, Achim Peters3 and Juergen Mueller6, (1)Leibniz University of Hannover, Institute of Geodesy, Hannover, Germany, (2)Humboldt University of Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin, Germany, (3)Humboldt University of Berlin, Department of Physics, Berlin, Germany, (4)BKG Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Geodesy, Unit 4: Gravity Metrology, Leipzig, Germany, (5)Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, (6)Leibniz University of Hannover, Institut für Erdmessung, Hannover, Germany
Bruno Desruelle1, Nicolas Le Moigne2, Sylvain Bonvalot3, Vincent Menoret4, Pierre Vermeulen4 and Sébastien Merlet5, (1)Muquans, Pessac, France, (2)Univ Montpellier II - CNRS, Montpellier, France, (3)IRD/GET, Toulouse, France, (4)Muquans, Talence, France, (5)LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris-Université PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
Richard V Sailor1, Charles L Medler2, James C Kinsey3, Eric W Zettergren1 and Edin Insanic1, (1)Raytheon BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA, United States, (2)CM Analysis, LLC, Cambridge, MA, United States, (3)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States

See more of: Geodesy