Across the Scales: Earth's Mantle Dynamics through Space and Time II
Across the Scales: Earth's Mantle Dynamics through Space and Time II
Across the Scales: Earth's Mantle Dynamics through Space and Time II
Session ID#: 8632
Session Description:
From small-scale convection underneath tectonic plates to huge thermochemical features such as the LLSVPs in the lower mantle, mantle dynamics is a multi-scale process! It includes everything from the cooling of the early magma ocean, to the formation of plumes, the assembly of supercontinents and the long-term secular cooling. Revealing how processes on these different temporal and spatial scales operate, interact, and produce surface observations in volcanism, tectonics, gravity anomalies and sea-level changes is thus of great importance for understanding Earth’s evolution and dynamics. This session aims to shed light on these processes, including (but not limited to) formation and dynamics of mantle structures, dynamics of plate tectonics and continental drift, and magma ocean dynamics. We welcome theoretical, numerical, laboratory and observational studies from a wide range of disciplines that contribute to understanding these multi-scale processes.
Primary Convener: Keely Anne O'Farrell, University College London, London, United Kingdom
Conveners: Tobias Rolf, University of Oslo, Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), Oslo, Norway, Shijie Zhong, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Physics, Boulder, United States and Anne Davaille, CNRS / University Paris-Sud, Laboratoire FAST, Orsay, France
Chairs: Shijie Zhong, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Physics, Boulder, United States and Keely Anne O'Farrell, University College London, London, United Kingdom
OSPA Liaison: Tobias Rolf, University of Oslo, Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), Oslo, Norway
- NG - Nonlinear Geophysics
- P - Planetary Sciences
- T - Tectonophysics
- V - Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology
- EGU-GD: European Geosciences Union - Division on Geodynamics -
Index Terms:
1038 Mantle processes [GEOCHEMISTRY]
7208 Mantle [SEISMOLOGY]
8122 Dynamics: gravity and tectonics [TECTONOPHYSICS]
8125 Evolution of the Earth [TECTONOPHYSICS]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Iron-spin transition controls structure and stability of LLSVPs in the lower mantle (Invited) (60199)
Testing geodynamic models of lowermost mantle flow with a regional shear wave splitting data set (85220)
See more of: Study of Earth's Deep Interior