Hydrology and Earth Sciences in Data Scarce Regions: Research and Education Methods from Remote Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing Approaches I Posters
Session ID#: 8791
Session Description:
This session will highlight research and education opportunities and challenges of using innovative data collection and integrated modeling approaches to finding hydrologic and earth sciences solutions in data scarce regions. This session includes: 1) Locally appropriate and scientifically valid data collection and instrumentation methods, 2) Use of remote sensing and global weather datasets for hydrologic modeling, 3) Problem driven approaches to addressing critical environment, development and health challenges, 4) Use of information technology to uptake research findings, 5) Hydrologic problems and solutions specific to developing world communities, and 6) Unique education and research approaches in partnership with developing world communities.
Primary Convener: Michele Minihane, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Lakewood, CO, United States
Conveners: Naga Manohar Velpuri, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Gabriel B Senay, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Sioux Falls, Fort Collins, United States and Veena Srinivasan, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, India
Chairs: Veena Srinivasan, Organization Not Listed, Bangalore, DC, India, Michele Minihane, Bureau of Indian Affairs (contractor), Lakewood, CO, United States, Naga Manohar Velpuri, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka and Gabriel B Senay, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Sioux Falls, Fort Collins, United States
OSPA Liaison: Naga Manohar Velpuri, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Reyadh Albarakat, PhD Student, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Columbia, SC, United States and Venkataraman (Venkat) Lakshmi, University of Virginia, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Charlottesville, United States
Tirthankar Roy, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States, Aleix Serrat-Capdevila, The World Bank, Washington, DC, United States, Hoshin Gupta, The University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Tucson, AZ, United States and Juan B Valdes, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
Bo Chen, Beijing Normal University, Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Beijing, China and Witold F Krajewski, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
Silja V. Hund1, Mark S. Johnson2,3, Douw G. Steyn2, Tom Keddie4 and Laura Morillas5, (1)The University of British Columbia, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2)University of British Columbia, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (3)University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (4)Independent researcher, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (5)The University of British Columbia, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Vancouver, Canada
Michele Minihane, Bureau of Indian Affairs (contractor), Lakewood, CO, United States
Naga Manohar Velpuri1, Gabriel B Senay2, James Rowland3, Michael E Budde3 and James P Verdin4, (1)International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, (2)U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, EROS/North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, Fort Collins, United States, (3)U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls, United States, (4)USGS/EROS, Boulder, CO, United States
Riddhi Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hydearbad, India and Rohini Kumar, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Computational Hydrosystems, Leipzig, Germany
Quanhua Liu1, Nicholas R Nalli2, Antonia Gambacorta3, Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez4, Changyi Tan2, Kexin Zhang2, Michael Wilson5, Anthony Reale1, Bomin Sun6 and Andrew Mollner, (1)NOAA College Park, College Park, MD, United States, (2)IMSG, College Park, MD, United States, (3)Science and Technology Corporation (STC), IMSG - NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Columbia, MD, United States, (4)NOAA College Park, College Park, United States, (5)GAMA-1 Technologies at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), College Park MD, United States, (6)IMSG at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD, United States
Sarah Marie Allen, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT, United States
Mas Yanto1, Ben Livneh2,3, Balaji Rajagopalan1 and Joseph R Kasprzyk4, (1)University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Boulder, United States, (3)University of Colorado at Boulder, Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Boulder, United States, (4)University of Colorado Boulder, Civil Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Boulder, CO, United States
Hye Yoon Chong, Jung Nam Park and Jin-Seop Kim, Busan National Unviversity, Busan, Korea, Republic of (South)
Anukesh Krishnankutty Krishnankutty Ambika, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Earth Science, Oak Ridge, TN, United States and Vimal Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Department of Civil Engineering, Gandhinagar, India
Sekhar Muddu1, Sylvain Mangiarotti2, Amit Kumar Sharma3, Samuel Corgne4, Laurent Ruiz5 and Laurence Hubert-Moy4, (1)Indian Institute of Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research, Bangalore, India, (2)Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphere, Toulouse Cedex 9, France, (3)PhD student, Universite Rennes 2, LETG Rennes COSTEL, Rennes, France, (4)Universite Rennes 2, LETG Rennes COSTEL (UMR 6554 CNRS), Rennes, France, (5)INRA Rennes, UMR1069, Rennes Cedex, France
Veena Srinivasan, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, India
Harsh Beria1, Trushnamayee Nanda Sr2 and Chandranath Chatterjee1, (1)Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Kharagpur, India, (2)Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
Vikalp Mishra1, James Cruise2 and John Robert Mecikalski2, (1)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, SERVIR/SPoRT, Huntsville, United States, (2)University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, United States
Edwin Sumargo, University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, La Jolla, United States, Daniel R Cayan, University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States and Bruce J McGurk, Self Employed, McGurk Hydrologic, Washington, DC, United States
Dominique Teddy Albina, LAMIA, Université des Antilles, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe
Michael Alonzo, American University, Department of Environmental Science, Washington, DC, United States, Jamon Van Den Hoek, Oregon State University, Geography Program, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States and Nabil Ahmed, Goldsmiths University of London, London, United Kingdom
Zelalem T. Mekonnen1, Prof. Mekonnen K Gebremichael, PhD1 and Solomon Seyoum Demissie2, (1)University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (2)University of California Los Angeles, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Harsh Lovekumar Shah, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Palaj, India and Vimal Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Department of Civil Engineering, Gandhinagar, India