Extreme Climatic Events and Natural Disasters in Amazonia: How to Adapt and Mitigate? Posters

Session ID#: 8869

Session Description:
In the past ten years,  Amazonia -- home to half of the world’s tropical rainforests and one of the heat engines of the planet -- has experienced two major droughts considered 'once-in-a-century' events and several record floods that affected human settlements as well as regional ecosystems. The prolonged droughts induced tree mortality and facilitated extensive fires in old-growth rainforests that contributed to extreme smoke concentrations over parts of South America. The 2014 Madeira River and the 2015 Acre River floods generated damages on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars in southwestern Amazonia alone.  Regional governments and civil society are seeking adaptive measures to these increasingly frequent extreme events as well as means to mitigate them.   This session will bring together natural and social scientists to discuss the implications of recent research for public policies of adaptation to and mitigation of extreme events and natural disasters in Amazonia.
Primary Convener:  Irving Foster Brown, Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, United States; Federal University of Acre, MECO/PZ, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
Conveners:  Jose A Marengo, Cemaden, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil, Sassan S Saatchi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carbon and Climate Group, Pasadena, CA, United States and Luiz Aragao, INPE National Institute for Space Research, Remote Sensing Division, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
Chairs:  Irving Foster Brown, Federal University of Acre, MECO/PZ, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, United States, Sassan S Saatchi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carbon and Climate Group, Pasadena, CA, United States and Jose A Marengo, CEMADEN National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters, Research and Development, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
OSPA Liaison:  Irving Foster Brown, Federal University of Acre, MECO/PZ, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, United States

  • H - Hydrology
  • NH - Natural Hazards
  • SI - Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences
  • IGBP: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme -

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Jose A Marengo, CEMADEN, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Irving Foster Brown, Federal University of Acre, MECO/PZ, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
Naomi Schwartz1, Maria Uriarte2, Ruth S DeFries3, Victor Hugo Gutierrez-Velez2, Katia Fernandes4 and Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez5, (1)University of British Columbia, Department of Geography, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2)Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, (3)Columbia University, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, New York, NY, United States, (4)University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States, (5)Columbia University, Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability, New York, NY, United States
Patricia FERNANDA Pinho, USP University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Maria de Nazareth Mello Araújo, Governo do Estado do Acre, Rio Branco, Brazil
Sassan S Saatchi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carbon and Climate Group, Pasadena, CA, United States
George Luiz Pereira Santos, Defensa Civil Rio Branco, Rio Branco, Brazil
Rodrigo C. D. Paiva1, Mino Sorribas2, John M Melack3, Charles Jones4, Leila V Carvalho5, Juan Martin Bravo2, Edward Beighley6, Bruce Forsberg7 and Marcos Heil Costa8, (1)Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Institute of Hydraulic Research, Porto Alegre, Brazil, (2)UFRGS Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Institute of Hydraulic Research, Porto Alegre, Brazil, (3)University of California Santa Barbara, Earth Research Institute, Santa Barbara, United States, (4)University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States, (5)University of California Santa Barbara, Department of Geography, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, (6)Northeastern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boston, MA, United States, (7)National Institute of Amazonian Research, Manaus, Brazil, (8)UFV Federal University of Vicosa, Vicosa, Brazil
Liang Xu, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, Sassan S Saatchi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carbon and Climate Group, Pasadena, CA, United States and Yan Yang, University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Yan Yang1,2, Sassan S Saatchi3, Liang Xu4, Yifan Yu4, Ranga B Myneni5, Yuri Knyazikhin6 and Sungho CHOI7, (1)University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (2)University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (3)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carbon and Climate Group, Pasadena, CA, United States, (4)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (5)Boston University, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston, United States, (6)Boston University, Earth and Environment, Boston, MA, United States, (7)Boston University, Earth & Environment, Boston, MA, United States
Ning Zeng, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States