Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding II Posters
Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding II Posters
Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding II Posters
Session ID#: 8886
Session Description:
Ever since the earliest measurements of the low/mid-latitude ionosphere, researchers have sought to understand the motions of the upper atmosphere and how they influence the generation of electric fields and currents. This session invites a fresh look at this basic ion-neutral coupling below 200 km. One focus is the daytime dynamo and its related electrodynamics. Whereas it is generally accepted that tides account for the forcing through which Sq currents are set up, new rocket measurements in the daytime ionosphere of simultaneous winds, currents, and electric fields shed new light on this global phenomenon and its variability. Further, advances in modeling, increased ground magnetometers, and expected observations from NASA’s ICON mission, suggest future research will advance our understanding of the low/mid-latitude electrodynamics by a large degree. This session sets the stage for a critical evaluation of what we know and don’t know about low/mid-latitude winds and associated electrodynamics.
Primary Convener: Robert F Pfaff Jr, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Heliophysics Science Division, Greenbelt, MD, United States
Conveners: Takumi Abe, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Kanagawa, Japan, Miguel Folkmar Larsen, Clemson University, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Clemson, United States and Scott England, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Blacksburg, United States
Chairs: James H Clemmons, Aerospace Corporation El Segundo, El Segundo, CA, United States and Takumi Abe, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Kanagawa, Japan
OSPA Liaison: Jeff Klenzing, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States
Index Terms:
2415 Equatorial ionosphere [IONOSPHERE]
2427 Ionosphere/atmosphere interactions [IONOSPHERE]
2437 Ionospheric dynamics [IONOSPHERE]
2443 Midlatitude ionosphere [IONOSPHERE]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Thermospheric neutral wind profile in moonlit midnight by Lithium release experiments in Japan (86534)
See more of: SPA-Aeronomy