The Spectrum of Slip Behaviors of Continental and Subduction Fault Zones I

Session ID#: 8995

Session Description:
Recent global deployment of geophysical instrumentation produced a vast quantity of data, allowing major advances in the characterization of the slip behavior of continental/subduction fault zones. Complex modes of fault slip – including tectonic  tremor, tsunami earthquakes and slow earthquakes – have been observed in the transition zone at the up-dip and down-dip limits of the seismogenic zone. These behaviours complement classic views of fault slip behaviours, where fast, frictional sliding during earthquakes and slow, aseismic sliding during creep events occur along faults.

Although recent studies have proposed heterogeneities in fault structure, frictional properties and deformation mechanisms, to explain the broad spectrum of fault slip behavior, our understanding of these processes is still limited. We welcome multidisciplinary, innovative contributions addressing the mechanical/physical properties and sliding behaviours of fault zones during the seismic cycle through the integration of field, laboratory and seismological data.

Primary Convener:  Nicola De Paola, University of Durham, Department of Earth Sciences, Durham, DH1, United Kingdom
Conveners:  Cristiano Collettini, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, Andre R Niemeijer, Utrecht University, Department of Earth Sciences - HPT laboratory, Utrecht, Netherlands and Wenlu Zhu, University of Maryland, College Park, United States
Chairs:  Nicola De Paola, University of Durham, Department of Earth Sciences, Durham, DH1, United Kingdom, Andre R Niemeijer, Utrecht University, Department of Earth Sciences - HPT laboratory, Utrecht, Netherlands and Cristiano Collettini, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
OSPA Liaison:  Cristiano Collettini, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

  • NH - Natural Hazards
  • S - Seismology
  • T - Tectonophysics

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Chris Marone, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geosciences, University Park, United States
Hiroki Sone, University of Wisconsin Madison, Department of Geological Engineering, Madison, WI, United States and Takahiko Uchide, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan
Hiroko Kitajima, Texas A&M University, Center for Tectonophysics and the Department of Geology & Geophysics, College Station, United States, Demian M. Saffer, Penn State University, Department of Geosciences, University Park, PA, United States, Miki Takahashi, Inst Adv Indust Sci & Tech, Tsukuba, Japan and Makoto Otsubo, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
Keishi Okazaki, Brown University, Providence, United States and Greg Hirth, Brown University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Providence, United States
Joan S Gomberg, US Geological Survey, Earthquake Science Center, Seattle, United States, Aaron Wech, U.S. Geological Survey, Volcano Science Center, Alaska Volcano Observatory, Anchorage, AK, United States, Kenneth C Creager, Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, Kazushige Obara, The University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan and Duncan Carr Agnew, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
Elisa Tinti1, Marco Maria Scuderi1, Laura Scognamiglio2, Giuseppe Di Stefano3, Cristiano Collettini1 and Chris Marone4, (1)Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, (2)Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy, (3)National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome, Italy, (4)Pennsylvania State University Main Campus, Geosciences, University Park, PA, United States
John D Platt, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC, United States, Brendan J. Meade, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States, Heather M Savage, Columbia University of New York, Palisades, NY, United States and Christie D Rowe, McGill University, Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada
Giulio Di Toro, University of Padova, Department of Geosciences, Padova, Italy, Francois Xavier Passelegue, University of Manchester, SEAES, Manchester, United Kingdom, Elena Spagnuolo, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Roma 1, Rome, Italy, Marie Violay, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Stefan Bjorklund Nielsen, University of Durham, Department of Earth Sciences, Durham, United Kingdom and Alexandre Schubnel, CNRS, Paris Cedex 16, France