Leptoukh Lecture
Leptoukh Lecture
Leptoukh Lecture
Session ID#: 9818
Session Description:
Data management and analysis, large-scale computation and modeling, and hardware and software infrastructure profoundly affect the research capabilities of all AGU disciplines. In 2012, the Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group has established the Leptoukh Lecture to recognize advances in these fields and their contributions to Earth and space science. Named in honor of the late Dr. Greg Leptoukh, a pioneer in satellite data quality and provenance, the Leptoukh Lecture aims to identify and support achievements in the computational and data sciences.
Primary Convener: Anne Wilson, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, United States
Convener: Ruth Duerr, Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship, Westminster, CO, United States
Chair: Ruth Duerr, Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
OSPA Liaison: Ruth Duerr, Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
Index Terms:
1908 Cyberinfrastructure [INFORMATICS]
1912 Data management, preservation, rescue [INFORMATICS]
1932 High-performance computing [INFORMATICS]
1952 Modeling [INFORMATICS]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
See more of: Earth and Space Science Informatics