Bernstein copula approach to model direction-length dependency for 2D discrete fracture network simulation

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Francisco Mendoza-Torres, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico and Martin A. Diaz-Viera, IMP Mexican Institute of Petroleum, Mexico City, Mexico
In many natural fractured porous media, such as aquifers, soils, oil and geothermal reservoirs, fractures play a crucial role in their flow and transport properties. An approach that has recently gained popularity for modeling fracture systems is the Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) model. This approach consists in applying a stochastic boolean simulation method, also known as object simulation method, where fractures are represented as simplified geometric objects (line segments in 2D and polygons in 3D). One of the shortcomings of this approach is that it usually does not consider the dependency relationships that may exist between the geometric properties of fractures (direction, length, aperture, etc), that is, each property is simulated independently.

In this work a method for modeling such dependencies by copula theory is introduced. In particular, a nonparametric model using Bernstein copulas for direction-length fracture dependency in 2D is presented. The application of this method is illustrated in a case study for a fractured rock sample from a carbonate reservoir outcrop.