Ocean - ice sheet interaction along the NW European margin during the last glacial phases
The NW European continental margin was repeatedly covered by shelf edge glaciations during the last glacial cycles. Here, we present a compilation of new and previously published data from a SW to NE transect of 8 sediment cores raised along the upper continental slope. This study aims to investigate the interaction between sea surface conditions and the variability seen in the British Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) during the last 13-40 ka BP. Ice Rafted Debris (IRD) counts, IRD flux data, grain size data, the content of the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin) and ∂18O measurements were compiled and combined with new Bayesian age models.From 40-24.5 ka BP the build up and consecutive confluence of the BIIS and the FIS are reflected in sediment composition and flux data. Pulses of large quantities of fine material to the southern part of the transect suggest riverine BIIS related influx. The sediment composition in cores close to the Norwegian channel indicates that the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS) was only active between 24.5-18.5 ka BP during the last glacial stage. The planktonic foraminifera data during this period strongly suggests a dependence of NCIS extent variability and pulses in warm Atlantic water entering the Nordic Seas. In the northernmost cores rapidly deposited, laminated sediments and ∂18O spikes in planktonic foraminifera dated to 18.5 ka BP were interpreted as meltwater plume deposits. This may reflect NCIS retreat allowing BIIS and FIS to unzip and route ice dammed lake- and meltwater to the margin.
In conclusion, the investigation suggests a close co-variation in extent of marine based parts of the BIIS, the FIS and ocean circulation while demonstrating the strong influence of the local glacial history on standard open marine proxies. This suggests that tuning chronologies of single marine records to ice cores in some regions might be more challenging than previously anticipated.