Freshly brewed continental crust

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 11:50
303 (Moscone South)
Esteban Gazel1, Jorden L Hayes2, Mark J Caddick1 and Pilar Madrigal3, (1)Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States, (2)University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States, (3)Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States
Earth’s crust is the life-sustaining interface between our planet’s deep interior and surface. Basaltic crusts similar to Earth’s oceanic crust characterize terrestrial planets in the solar system while the continental masses, areas of buoyant, thick silicic crust, are a unique characteristic of Earth. Therefore, understanding the processes responsible for the formation of continents is fundamental to reconstructing the evolution of our planet. We use geochemical and geophysical data to reconstruct the evolution of the Central American Land Bridge (Costa Rica and Panama) over the last 70 Ma. We also include new preliminary data from a key turning point (~12-6 Ma) from the evolution from an oceanic arc depleted in incompatible elements to a juvenile continental mass in order to evaluate current models of continental crust formation. We also discovered that seismic P-waves (body waves) travel through the crust at velocities closer to the ones observed in continental crust worldwide. Based on global statistical analyses of all magmas produced today in oceanic arcs compared to the global average composition of continental crust we developed a continental index. Our goal was to quantitatively correlate geochemical composition with the average P-wave velocity of arc crust. We suggest that although the formation and evolution of continents may involve many processes, melting enriched oceanic crust within a subduction zone, a process probably more common in the Achaean where most continental landmasses formed, can produce the starting material necessary for juvenile continental crust formation.