Reconstructing Final H2O Contents of Hydrated Rhyolitic Glasses: Insights into H2O Degassing and Eruptive Style of Silicic Submarine Volcanoes

Friday, 18 December 2015: 16:45
308 (Moscone South)
Iona M McIntosh1, Alex RL Nichols1, Kenichiro Tani2 and Edward W Llewellin3, (1)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan, (2)National Museum of Nature and Science, Ibaraki, Japan, (3)University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom
H2O degassing influences the evolution of magma viscosity and vesicularity during ascent through the crust, and ultimately the eruptive style. Investigating H2O degassing requires data on both initial and final H2O contents. Initial H2O contents are revealed by melt inclusion data, while final H2O contents are found from dissolved H2O contents of volcanic glass. However volcanic glasses, particularly of silicic composition, are susceptible to secondary hydration i.e. the addition of H2O from the surrounding environment at ambient temperature during the time following pyroclast deposition. Obtaining meaningful final H2O data therefore requires distinguishing between the original final dissolved H2O content and the H2O added subsequently during hydration. Since H2O added during hydration is added as molecular H2O (H2Om), and the species interconversion between H2Om and hydroxyl (OH) species is negligible at ambient temperature, the final OH content of the glass remains unaltered during hydration. By using H2O speciation models to find the original H2Om content that would correspond to the measured OH content of the glass, the original total H2O (H2Ot) content of the glass prior to hydration can be reconstructed. These H2O speciation data are obtained using FTIR spectroscopy. In many cases, particularly where vesicular glasses necessitate thin wafers, OH cannot be measured directly and instead is calculated indirectly as OH = H2Ot - H2Om. Here we demonstrate the importance of using a speciation-dependent H2Ot molar absorptivity coefficient to obtain accurate H2Ot and H2O speciation data and outline a methodology for calculating such a coefficient for rhyolite glasses, with application to hydrated silicic pumice from submarine volcanoes in the Japanese Izu-Bonin Arc. Although hydrated pumice from Kurose Nishi and Oomurodashi now contain ~1.0 - 2.5 wt% H2Ot, their pre-hydration final H2O contents were typically ~0.3 – 0.4 wt% H2Ot. Furthermore, we show that pre-hydration final H2O contents vary with pumice texture, with Kurose Nishi tube pumice containing ~0.3 wt% H2Ot while denser pumice with spherical vesicles contains ~1.0 wt% H2Ot. By combining these new reconstructed final H2O data with textural characteristics we investigate H2O degassing and eruption mechanisms of silicic submarine volcanoes.