The Juno Mission
The Juno mission is the second mission in NASA’s New Frontiers program. Launched in August 2011, Junoarrives at Jupiter in July 2016. Juno science goals include the study of Jupiter’s origin, interior structure, deep
atmosphere, aurora and magnetosphere. Jupiter’s formation is fundamental to the evolution of our solar system and
to the distribution of volatiles early in the solar system’s history. Juno’s measurements of the abundance of Oxygen
and Nitrogen in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and the detailed maps of Jupiter’s gravity and magnetic field structure will
constrain theories of early planetary development. Juno’s orbit around Jupiter is a polar elliptical orbit with perijove
approximately 5000 km above the visible cloud tops. The payload consists of a set of microwave antennas for
deep sounding, magnetometers, gravity radio science, low and high energy charged particle detectors, electric and
magnetic field radio and plasma wave experiment, ultraviolet imaging spectrograph, infrared imager and a visible
camera. The Juno design enables the first detailed investigation of Jupiter’s interior structure, and deep atmosphere
as well as the first in depth exploration of Jupiter’s polar magnetosphere. The Juno mission design, science goals,
and measurements related to the origin of Jupiter will be presented.