Understanding of δ13C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Junyun Li1,2, Hong-Chun Li1, Tingyong Li2, Xuan Li2, Na Yuan2, Taotao Zhang2 and the NTUAMS Lab, (1)Department of Geoscience, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, (2)Southwest University, School of Geography Sciences, Chongqing, YT, China
The debate about how speleothem δ13C to reflect paleoclimate and paleovegetation changes calls for understanding of δ13C behavior in a cave system. We have conducted a monitoring study in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China since 2005 involving multiple sites in the overlying soil and inside the cave. The measured proxies include pCO2 of the atmosphere, soil and cave air; dripping rate, pH, electronic conductivity, Ca2+, HCO3-, d13CDIC of the dripwaters; and deposition rate, d13C of seasonally selected carbonate deposits. The many observations from this study are: (1) Soil pCO2 is close to the atmospheric pCO2 in winter and reaches >10000 ppm during the summer due to high productivity under warm and wet climates. (2) The pCO2 in cave air is slightly higher than Soil pCO2 and atmospheric pCO2 in winter (400~900 ppm), but elevates up to ~2000 ppm around October due to seepage of soil CO2 into the cave. The cave air pCO2 exhibits double peaks following the seasonal rainfall (1st peak in April-June controlled by Indian monsoon and 2nd peak in July-September influenced by the North Western Pacific monsoon). The cave air pCO2 has about 2-3 month lag to the soil pCO2. (3) Under the influence of soil CO2 and rainfall, the d13CDIC of drpiwaters are depleted in the summer and enriched during the winter. During 2009-2011, southwestern China experienced extremely drought due to summer monsoon failure. The d13CDIC of dripwater in Furong Cave was strongly enriched because of low soil CO2 productivity, less transportation of soil CO2 into the cave, and high CO2 ratio from bedrock input. Dripping rate does not affect the d13CDIC significantly. (4) The d13C of speleothems is controlled by the open/closed system of the seepage pathway on the first order. Monitoring site MP1 owns a relatively open system shown by fast dripping rates, low Ca and HCO3- contents, and low carbonate deposition rate. The d13C of modern deposits from this site not only shows the seasonal variation following that of soil pCO2 with heavier values in the winter and lighter values in the summer, but also heavier than these in the other sites. This open system has more efficiency to exchange CO2 with the atmosphere. Such an exchange will lead to d13C enrichment and D14C close to that of the atmosphere. Sites MP4 and MP5 in Furong Cave have more closed pathway systems, showing opposite to MP1.