Fate of permafrost-released organic matter in the Laptev Sea: What is its lateral transport time along the transect from the Lena delta area to the deep sea of the Arctic interior?

Wednesday, 16 December 2015: 15:10
3007 (Moscone West)
Lisa Bröder1, Tommaso Tesi2, Oleg Dudarev3, Igor Peter Semiletov4 and Orjan Gustafsson2, (1)Stockholm University, Analytical Scemistry and Environmental Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, (2)Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, (3)Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia, (4)University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, United States
Ongoing global warming may cause an increasing supply of permafrost-derived organic carbon through both river discharge and coastal erosion to the Arctic shelves where it can be either degraded to CO2 and outgassed, buried in sediments or transported to the deep sea. Here we assess the balance between burial and lateral transport on the fate of terrestrial organic carbon (TerrOC) by exploring how it changes in concentration, composition and degradation status during both cross-shelf transport and burial. We analyzed a suite of terrestrial biomarkers as well as source-diagnostic bulk carbon isotopes (δ13C, Δ14C) in sediments from the wide Siberian Arctic Shelf and found contrasting trends for the operationally-defined carbon pools.

TerrOC concentrations and degradation status vary noticeably more during cross-shelf transport than after burial. The concentrations of lignin phenols, cutin acids and high-molecular weight (HMW) wax lipids (tracers of vascular plants) do not display clear changes over time during sediment accumulation, while they significantly decrease along the transect. Molecular-based degradation proxies for TerrOC (e.g., CPI of HMW lipids, the HMW acids/alkanes ratio and the acid/aldehyde ratio of lignin phenols) do not suggest extensive down-core mineralization, but there appears to be a trend to more degraded TerrOC with increasing distance from the coast. We infer that the degree of degradation of permafrost-derived TerrOC is a function of the time spent under oxic conditions (oxygen exposure time, OET). Specifically, one possible explanation for these patterns could be protracted OETs during cross-shelf transport compared to rather short in situ OETs after burial. To test this hypothesis we estimate lateral transport times using compound-specific radiocarbon analysis for terrestrial OC biomarkers (HMW fatty acids) and compare these with in situ OETs calculated from measured oxygen penetration depths and 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates.